The Rolling Scopes #20

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RS Conf

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Front-end разработчик глазами Back-end разработчика


  • dotjs conf
  • POC
  • Team

Год Facebook


Flux is an application architecture introduced by Facebook. Usually mentioned in conjunction with React. js, Flux is based on a one-way flow of data up through the rendering pipeline...
  • Это flux?
  • Это не чистый flux!
  • Это не по флакс!

Я люблю свою работу - я приду туда в субботу!


Immutable data structures are becoming more popular, with functional languages such as Clojure and Scala providing immutability by default. Immutability allows code to be more easily written, read and reasoned about...


React Native

Facebook’s React Native brings the React.js programming model to iOS and Android developers. React Native programs are written in JavaScript, but unlike a hybrid framework such as Ionic, React Native gives developers access to native UI components on the target platform. ... This framework could play a significant role in the future of mobile app development.

Material UI

Material UI provides reusable components for use in React applications that implement Google’s Material Design language. Filling a similar space to Twitter Bootstrap, it gets you up and running quickly but doesn’t have the same drawbacks as your application grows. Elemental UI is worth investigating as an alternative.


BEM is a simple CSS naming convention (standing for Block, Element, Modifier) that helps give semantic clarity and structure to your CSS. By using BEM, it becomes much easier to understand which CSS rules are influencing the appearance of an element and, more importantly, the intent of those rules. This approach can be seen as moving the OO lesson of favoring composition over inheritance to the world of CSS.

ES6 (ES2015)

For new projects, we strongly suggest starting with ECMAScript 6 from day one.


The JavaScript world has a plethora of dependency and package-management tools, all of which rely on the Node Package Manager (NPM). Teams are starting to see these extra tools as redundant and are recommending that if you can use solely NPM for package and dependency management, you should.


We firmly believe that long-lived version-control branches harm valuable engineering practices such as continuous integration, and this belief underlies our dislike for Gitflow.


... having an understanding of how Git works under the hood is very useful, and GitUp is a Mac-based tool that gives you exactly that. GitUp provides a graphical representation of what is happening as you type normal Git commands into the terminal. You can learn the various Git commands while also understanding what each one does as you use it. GitUp is a useful tool for both people new to Git and those with more Git experience.


Browsersync is a free, open source tool that can dramatically reduce this effort by synchronizing manual browser testing across multiple mobile or desktop browsers. Providing both a CLI and a UI option, the tool is build-pipeline friendly and automates repetitive tasks such as form filling.


Previously, we recommended boot2docker as a way of easily running Docker on your local Windows or OS X machine. Docker Toolbox now replaces boot2docker, adding some tooling as well. Now included is Kitematic for managing your containers, as well as Docker Compose for managing multi-Docker setup (Mac only). It can be used safely as a drop-in replacement for boot2docker, and it will even handle the upgrade for you.


Visual Studio Code is Microsoft’s free IDE editor, available across platforms. We find the version-control integration with Git very beneficial to promoting continuous integration practices. Visual Studio Code also provides a means of integrating with external tools via tasks, with autodetection of grunt/gulp tasks eliminating the need for running grunt/gulp tasks via terminals and simply using the editor. With the growth of the Docker ecosystem, this IDE offers support for the dockerfile.

Swagger & RESTful

With a growing landscape of services providing RESTful APIs, it is becoming increasingly important to document them. We have previously mentioned Swagger, and in this Technology Radar we’d like to highlight the RESTful API modeling language (RAML). Our teams feel that in comparison to Swagger it is more lightweight and moves the focus from adding documentation to existing APIs to designing APIs.


