dotJS/dotCSS - Talks
1 - dotJS
1.1 - Yehuda Katz - Creator of Ember.js, Handlebars & Thor, Member of the jQuery Core Team.
1.2 - Angus Croll - Creator of Flight & Author
1.3 - James Halliday aka Substack - Creator of Testling, Browserling Open Source librarian
1.4 - Justin Meyer - Lead author of CanJS, JavaScriptMVC, jQuery++,FuncUnit & StealJS
1.5 - Paul O’Shannessy - Maintainer of React
1.6 - John-David Dalton - Creator of Lo-Dash, co-maintainer of jsPerf Chakra Performance Program Manager
1.7 - Domenic Denicola - Maintainer of jsdom Editor for ES6 promises
1.8 - Julien Lecomte - YUI lead Director of Engineering at Yahoo
1.9 - Soledad Penadés - Senior engineer at Mozilla Real time audio & graphics experimenter
1.10 - Joe McCann - CEO of NodeSource Creator of Dillinger
1.11 - Charlie Robbins - CEO and Co-founder of nodejitsu Curator of EmpireJS & EmpireNode
1.12 - Mike McNeil - Creator of Sails.js
2 - dotCSS
2.1 - Talks
- 2.1.1 - Daniel Glazman - Co-chairman of the CSS Working Group
- 2.1.2 - Ana Tudor - CSS & Maths tamer, creating insane experiments
- 2.1.3 - Nicolas Gallagher - Creator of Normalize.css & suit.css
+ 2.1.4 - Estelle Weyl - Standardista, trainer & author Creator of the Clown Car technique
- 2.1.5 - Kaelig Deloumeau-Prigent - Author and Front-end Developer at FT Labs
+ 2.1.6 - Harry Roberts - Creator of inuit.css Author of CSS guidelines
Ten Principles for Effective Front-end Development
- 2.1.7 - Bert Bos - W3C Staff contact of the CSS WG - единственный чувак, у которого нет твиттера
+ 2.1.8 - Hugo Giraudel - Maintainer of SassDoc Sass Writing Machine
Keep Calm And Write Sass
2.2 - Lightning Talks
2.2.1 - Maxime Thirouin
2.2.2 - Gregor Adams
2.2.3 - Tim Pietrusk
2.2.4 - Guido Bouman
2.2.5 - Jeff Bowen - Data & Dev at @Automattic /@WordPressDotcom, zymurgist
20 years of CSS: maturity or senility?
2.2.6 - Victor Brito
In 25 years of Web, what did - you do for the promises of an accessible Web?